Hive Alpha Champions League
Hive Alpha Champions League (HACL) is a tier-based competition structure that ensures top-level alpha for Hive members, while rewarding the alpha contributors based on their alpha calls. You must be a Hive Alpha holder to participate in the Champions League!
The leagues are structured via seasons. The current season schedule is:
Season 1 - May 15 to June 1
Season 2 - TBA
At the end of every season, top performers in each league are rewarded, while bottom performers in each league are relegated to the league below.
Champions League
Season 1 -
Capt_Rage - 0x61480912e091AF4c6dBF0dE1e7b0dC57a3Ec350d
janova.eth - 0x99607F3971bF988efbf1953aF0Ad50af8A3c7DA8
madrobot - 0xF05B437633B770f62272A8e5edAd06a48B47115B
misterchen - 0xd8c6C693DA3C11E95Fc2591e85f88C974bc5C319
The.Real.Indiana - 0x301c636Ea95839924F2f3b41434d4Be558Be46eE
Will post in the #champions-league Discord channel
Premier League -
Season 1 Participants - Top callers plus the most active member callers over the last few weeks (full list posted in Discord)
Will post in the #premier-league channel (formerly Top Calls)
Wallet tracking not required - Hive team will select top performers to be promoted to Champions League Season 2
Amateur League - all Hive Alpha holders
Will post in the #amateur-league channel (formerly Member Calls)
Wallet tracking not required - Hive team will select top performers to be promoted to Premier League for Season 2
NOTE: Every Champions League participant will receive .2 ETH at the beginning of every season. This ETH (+ any profit) is theirs to keep, assuming they don't blow it all during the season 🤣
Champions League
Season 1 Prizes: Up to 0.45 ETH in total prizes awarded to top 2 champions (may scale up or down slightly based on market conditions or performance)
1st place - up to 0.3 ETH
2nd place - up to 0.15 ETH
3rd place - no bonus, but remains in Champions League for next season
4th place - relegated to Premier League
5th place - relegated to Premier League
Premier League
1st place - random NFT prize, plus promotion to Champions League for next season
2nd place - Promotion to Champions League for next season
Bottom performers - relegated to Amateur League
Amateur League
Top performers from Amateur League, as selected by the Hive team, will be promoted to Premier League for the next season.
Trades must be called out in the champions channel before the trade is made. A full alpha call write-up isn’t necessary pre-trade, but should be made within 1 hour of the initial trade call being posted.
Coin trades are allowed, as long as they are called in the champions channel before trading
No whitelist mints are allowed. Any trades called must be able to be made by any wallet
Any champions league competitor who commits one of the following infractions will be immediately disqualified from the season, forfeiting all prizes and being relegated to the Premier League:
Making a trade before calling it in the #champions-league channel
Minting a whitelist/allow-list/pre-sale mint that isn't available for all other competitors.
Public raffle mint (must post about the raffle in the #champions-league channel prior to raffle closure)
WL earned from holding a certain NFT (e.g. if you buy an OOF pass after calling it, you can use that to mint an OOF drop pre-sale) - NO PERSONAL WALLET TRANSFERS
Using an auto-bid bot/tool that's not available for use by all competitors. If you buy a tool with the league wallet, you must call it beforehand in the league channel like any other trade.
Bannable Offenses
Competitors who commit one of the following offenses are subject to forfeiture of all prizes and expulsion from any future league participation.
Transferring ETH/NFTs/any other tokens to your league wallet from any other wallet, including your personal wallets. e.g. buying your own listing from your personal wallet, "airdropping" yourself NFTs, having a friend send you tokens, etc.
If you receive an airdrop, you are not allowed to sell it, unless you previously called it in the #champions-league channel as a benefit of a previous mint/purchase.
Using a friend/personal wallet to purchase your league wallet listings. Foul play of this kind will not be tolerated, and will result in a complete ban on any rewards or any future league participation.
For any questions or suggestions: DM DTK or Than, or open a ticket in the Hive Discord - We may have some ideas for season 2 that involve teams 👀
Last updated